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Norme di comportamento

Qui troverai una serie di utili suggerimenti su "cosa fare" e "cosa non fare" mentre si percorre un sentiero: comportamento in bosco, in alta montagna, su strada.

Come comprtarsi in caso di pioggia o di neve, se lungo il percorso si incontra un esemplare di della fauna selvatica...

Il rispetto dei boschi, della Natura in genere, anche della propria: ascoltare i segnali del proprio corpo è importante, mentre si percorre un sentiero: stanchezza, sete ed altri segnali da non lasciare inascoltati!

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Watch out for the fog!

Fog represents one of the biggest problems for hikers, especially in the high mountains when, on snowy stretches, it can appear in sudden and unexpected banks. Fog reduces visibility: it can be particularly hazardous along trails, because it engulfs every useful visual point of reference. 
With fog you can easily get lost: you need to be very careful, and avoid going far or anywhere that you don't really know the territory.

The area where fog develops is generally restricted ("fog cover" or "fog bank"). 
Depending on its thickness, fog can reduce visibility to a few dozen metres, or even a few dozen centimetres.

This phenomenon is quite common in the mountains - in any season - including summer!

Fog and low clouds complicate life for those following an itinerary and, progressively, they even confuse those who know the area well.

The consequences are:

  • finding yourself in an unknown area;
  • loss of GPS signal (or much less accurate: 
    air density varies greatly, and reception gets much worse, like being in a forest);
  • facing difficulty and unforeseen travel times 
    for the path you're on;
  • additional expenditure of time and energy and the risk of having to camp 
    in inhospitable places;
  • encountering obstacles and paths that are sometimes impassable, with sheer drops or cliffs. 


Before the fog appears, try to establish your position using GPS, or using a map, with or without altimeter and compass.

Try to fix in your mind the direction you need to follow: it's often wiser to retrace your steps rather than plough through the fog, moving further away from your departure point!

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How to protect children from the heat?

Especially in the summer months, try to keep children cool with regular stops in the shade, light clothing, caps or hats with visors, and frequent "splashing with water".

Remember that the danger of the sun isn’t linked exclusively to summer heat: even in winter, excessive exposure can cause sunstroke.


The sun: an enemy for the skin

Prolonged and excessive exposure to the sun’s rays can cause sunstroke. That's why we recommend you wear hats and light but comfortable clothing. Watch out for these typical symptoms of sunstroke: general malaise, nausea, pain on moving the neck, headache and dizziness. What steps can you take? Take cover in the shade, in a cool area and apply cold water to the head. Drink plenty of water, but always in small sips.

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Mountains: a marvel of nature

A visit to a forest is an unforgettable experience for children...teach them to respect and love nature; don’t leave rubbish on the ground, don’t pick flowers or plants, try not to disturb any animals that you meet. 

The beauty of places also depends on how we treat them!


Don't push your limits!

Choose each excursion based on your level of physical fitness, recognising your own limitations before venturing onto trails that may prove difficult. Always consider travel time, elevation gain, length of the route, type of route and terrain underfoot before setting off.


Water aplenty!

Remember that in Sardinia it’s very difficult to find watercourses along the trails, especially in hot weather. We therefore recommend that you take at least 2 litres of water and other beverages (not energy drinks) like fruit juices or tea.


Important figures: follow them!

Escorts are the logistical organisers in charge of the smooth running of hiking activities. Follow their instructions before and during the excursion carefully and work with them, signalling to someone if you have to stop and/or cannot follow the group.


Sardinia: a heritage to get to know and to protect

It’s important to recognise the flora and its habitat in order to respect it. Special consideration for this great resource of the Island also relies on an awareness of how fragile it is. 

Visit the "Flora" section of the website to find out more.