Monte Minerva
Monte Minerva
: description
A forest area characterised by rich vegetation, most notably majestic specimens of downy oak, where you can admire several rare species including the golden eagle and the griffon vulture. Mount Minerva extends over approximately 2.5 km in length and 500 m in width on average, reaching a maximum height of 644 m a.s.l. is the highest and largest plateau (giara) in the area. It covers more than 400 ha of land, 80 ha of which are state-owned property (Forestry Authority) with the rest under temporary occupation. The Forestry Authority is responsible for silvicultural activities in the area and for the conservation and enhancement of its natural and environmental heritage.
A characteristic area in the north-west of Sardinia: for its landscape, great natural value, archaeology (the domus de janas at the foot of Mount Minerva) and for the network of paths and bridleways that cross the mountain halfway up the slope, providing visitors with numerous panoramic observation points.
The plateau hosts some particular habitats, including temporary wetlands characterized by exclusive endemic flora. The area's high cliffs provide an ideal nesting habitat for the numerous birds of prey: it is a Site of Community Importance and a Special Protection Area thanks to the presence of particular flora and fauna species.
The plateau of Mount Minerva offers sweeping views over the beautiful landscape as far as the sea of Bosa and Lake Temo, with the splendid fortress of Monteleone.
There is also an interesting panoramic road called the “costera”, which leads from Montresta up to the top of the Villanova hills, offering fine views over the sea of Sardinia.
On leaving the village of Villanova Monteleone, you can visit a Saracen tower overlooking the sea.