From Fonte Li Frati a Sarra Lu Tassu (F-406)

The pathway
Useful informations
After parking the car in the area near the Li frati fountain, from where trail 405 also branches off, and after crossing the forest track, you will find the trail starting point. After about 10 minutes of walking you will find some imposing tafoni (natural rock cavities) the best known of which is called “la Prisgione”.
After about 700 m, you will cross a first forest track and then, after about 1 km, a second forest track. In this section you will find a small reservoir, which is no longer in use but remains an interesting landmark.
The trail continues uphill alongside the Rio Mulinu and then crosses it at about 800 m asl. Continuing uphill you will reach a short stretch of level ground at about 980 m asl, in the Buttaru di Juncu locality, where trail 406a branches off, connecting (in a few dozen metres) trail 406 with trail 405.
Here you can catch your breath walking up the gentle slope. Leaving Punta Suliana (1046 m asl) to your right, you will begin the descent (still in the middle of the forest) leading first to the junction with trail 405 and, after about 300 m, to your final destination of Sarra Lu Tassu.
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