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The answers to the most frequently asked questions: if you have any doubts, try looking for an answer here! Above all you will find: technical information and descriptions of specialist trail terms, together with various insights into particular disciplines such as Trekking, Biking, Nordic walking etc...

Frecce Segnavia per Perda Liana


Passeggiata lungo il bosco nei sentieri di Perd'e Pibera

Do you know what a trail is?

A trail is a narrow path with a natural substrate crossing meadows, woods or rocks, which is not classified in the standard road system and possibly not even recorded on maps, it is the result of the passage of humans or animals, or else, purposely man-made for non-motorized traffic; trails are an important sign of human presence, visible and practicable. A trail is a series of observation points that let you admire Nature and evidence of Man, a series of vantage points on the natural beauty of the landscape. A trail can, however, exist and operate even in the absence of specific signage, and without land registry documentation that "elevates it to the rank of" a RES or RIS hiking or horse-riding trail. Trails are made up of minimal linear elements called SECTIONS.

Non perdere mai di vista i segnali!.jpg

Never lose sight of the signs!

Along the hiking trails you’ll find direction signs indicating destinations (near, intermediate, far) and, in some cases, distances in hours and minutesSigns at forks, where present, are very important: never ignore information on trail categories, destinations and travel times! Also stone cairns and coloured rocks (red-white) indicate that you're on the right track!



Choose the most suitable route

In order to have fun while walking, it’s essential to choose the path that’s best suited to your ability and to your experience. Generally, we can read the degree of difficulty attributed to the excursion and judge by that, also taking into account the approximate duration of the route. The scale of difficulty of hiking trails is based on C.A.I. terminology and is divided into touristichikinghiking for experts and hiking for equipped experts.


What's GPS?

GPS, an acronym for Global Positioning System is a radio-positioning system that allows you to pinpoint with extreme accuracy your position on the earth's surface. Portable GPS devices are receivers that record precise data on altitude, latitude and longitude, through signals received from a system of artificial satellites. When you choose GPS, always take into account: ease of use, weight and battery life, robustness and operating interface.

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Ever slept in the woods?

To set up a "sleeping area" it's important to know how to choose the right spot, preferably not near a river or stream so as to avoid damp conditions; best choose a more internal position sheltered from the wind, with lots of trees for protection. Tarps and sheets should be placed as close to each other as possible; ideally, you should build a fire in the middle to keep animals away and to keep you warm during the night...but keep an eye on the fire!