Long route, from Bau Acca to Truzzulla (T-421)

The pathway
Useful informations
This path starts from the village, at the tree house in the Bau Accas locality.
After the first stretch (about 850 m), you will reach the Sa Conca de sa Nughi section stop point where you will also find an aromatic and sensory garden.
A further 3 km leads to Mingiastu Crobu, with the ruins of an ancient sheep pen.
A further 3.4 km of trail leads to the section stop point at Basigheddu (Cuili de tziu Cepigheddu charcoal pile), which is 7 km from the starting point. From here, the trail becomes steeper for the next 3 km, accounting for much of the total difference in altitude.
The last 4 km of the route lead to the panoramic location of Trutzulla (or Trazzulla), from which you can walk back down to the village on trail 422, thus following a ring route (about 4 km shorter than retracing your steps back).
Trail data and altimetry
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Bello e panoramico! e bella la casa sull'albero e la vedetta Forestas!