The objective of the itinerary is the historical monument of Su Samucu, a railway viaduct of the Man-das-Sorgono railway line, which has not been in operation for years. It has a double row of arches and at 39 m in height, it is one of the tallest and most spectacular bridges built in Sardinia. Built entirely of stone from a nearby quarry, constrution began in 1888 and ended in the middle of the following year. In the central part of the route, there is a short detour of only 100 m that leads to a majestic centuries-old walnut tree. The historical attraction of Su Samucu and the naturalistic attraction of the centuries-old walnut tree are complemented in the northern segment of the trail by geological at-tractions, with imposing rock faces of shale, in one of which, just 100 m from the track, is a cavity that can be a good shelter in case of rain, spacious enough to accommodate three people